
Laser Care for Stretch Mark – How Effective

There are several ways to deal with stretch marks – laser care is one of them. Laser care for stretch marks has been increasingly popular in recent years. The food and drug administration has agreed to this method in 2002 and has been very successful until now. So, if stretch mark has become a big cosmetic challenge for you, you might want to try this treatment option. However, before you continue with the same thing, it is always wise to learn the basics about how the procedure works and whether it will be the right choice for you. You will find the following information that is very helpful in this matter.

Laser care for Stretch Marks uses an innovative way to treat unsightly signs on your skin. In this method of treatment, the small light ultraviolet light is emitted from the Excimer laser. The light immediately hit the affected area. When the skin (affected by stretch marks) relates to this light, it absorbs energy from the excimer laser. This results in new collagen growth stimulation. New collagen production includes areas with unsightly signs. This method can be very effective in minimizing the appearance of stretch marks.

How much does it cost
The only thing why many people still prefer to go for traditional care is the fact that laser care for stretch marks is usually very expensive. Costs vary depending on the severity of the problem, the type of procedure, and facilities provided by the clinic. Costs can range from only $ 300 to as much as $ 2500.

Is this more effective than traditional care?
Both lasers and traditional treatments have their own advantages and disadvantages. For example, traditional treatment options are very affordable. On the other hand, laser treatments can cost hundreds of dollars. Conventional ways to treat stretch marks are by applying lotion and cream in affected areas. This can be effective only if you use the right type of cream and lotion. Consider the extraordinary choices available for you on the market and the fact that some products claim big and do not produce results at all, it is very difficult for someone to choose the right product. However, traditional care has added value because it is less invasive than laser care for stretch marks. But, it’s also true at the same time with laser procedures bringing faster results. However, even in this type of procedure, Stretch Mark will not run completely after only single treatment. Depending on the severity of your problem, you must go for at least 5-10 treatment procedures to get rid of the ugly signs completely.

It is very important for you to understand that laser care for stretch marks must be done only by licensed cosmetic dermatologists who specialize in this field.

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